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Erasmus Mundus TOSCA 2


The TOSCA 2 project has been selected for funding from the European Commission in the framework of Erasmus Mundus Action 2 and offers scholarships for bachelor (undergraduate), master, doctoral and post-doctoral students for the duration of up to 36 months depending on type of mobility as well as short term (1 month) scholarships for administrative and academic staff.

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Student and staff candidates are invited to apply for scholarships within second call for applications.

In order to check if you are eligible candidate for TOSCA 2 scholarship you have to:

1. identify yourself as proper candidate for one of 3 categories- so called �target groups�

2. identify your mobility type - the level of study of your desired student scholarship (bachelor, master, doctoral or post-doctorate students) or your status as academic or administrative worker applying for staff scholarship.

Target group is the group of students/academic staff having the same characteristics regarding the institution they belong to or have graduated from and/or personal situation. It is very important for the further processing of application that applicants apply for correct target group.


Students and academic/administrative staff registered in one of the Central Asian universities of TOSCA 2 partnership:

Kyrgyz National University, KG
Naryn State University, KG

TG 1 applicants can apply for:
- BA exchange studies for up to 10 months � applicants must have successfully completed at least one year of studies at home university (one of listed above) in which they are registered/enrolled as BA studentsand at the time of studies abroad (from September 2014) they will still be students of Bachelor course at their home university.

- MA exchange studies for up to 10 months - applicants must have BA degree and must be registered/enrolled as MA students at home university (one of listed above) and at the time of studies abroad (from September 2014) they will still be students of Master course at their home university.

- PhD exchange studies for up to 10 months - applicants must have MA degree and be registered/enrolled as PhD student s at my home university (one of listed above) and at the time of studies abroad (from September 2014) they will still be students of PhD course at their home university.

- post-doc exchange studies/research for 6 months� applicants must have PhD degree and be registered/enrolled as post-doc at their home university

- academic and administrative staff scholarships - 1 month mobility � applicants must work in the university belonging to TOSCA II partnership as full time employee. The home (CA) and host (EU) university and the individual staff must agree on the programme of lectures to be delivered by the visiting staff, on the research activities or on the type of training to be followed. Applications without this document, agreed on institutional level, will not be considered.


Nationals of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan, who are:
- registered as students in a higher education institution of these countries NOT included in the partnership,

- or having obtained a university degree or equivalent in an institution of these countries. This group includes the possibility of getting scholarship to people working in public administration, public and private enterprises.

Within TG 2 the following applicants are eligible:

- Candidates for full Master studies, lasting up to 22- months. This as an offer for degree seekers, who got their university degree from a Central Asian university and want to enrol for master course (second cycle) in Europe to get diploma there.

- Doctoral students � studying their PhD at a Central Asian university not belonging to TOSCA II partnership. Candidate�s university and his/her thesis supervisor must agree program for continuation of PhD with the EU university belonging to TOSCA II for the period up to 18 months (with possible further prolongation)

- Post-doctorate students � staff members/post-doc students of a Central Asian university not belonging to TOSCA II, who got doctorate degree/diploma. His/her institution will have to agree the programme of 6 months study with one of the EU universities belonging to TOSCA II (with possible further prolongation).


The TOSCA II promotes mobility of CA countries� students from vulnerable groups by opening education opportunities for candidates in vulnerable situation, resulted from social and/or political reasons (TG3).


The application is divided into 3 steps;

- Registration for an account (this page below). Note that you are only allowed to register once. If you register and apply from several accounts the selection committee will consider only the first one. - Application form (including selection of up to three courses/programs from Available Fields of Study)

- Uploading of required documents

More information


Deadline for submitting on-line application: 24.12.2013

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