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Adopt a Negotiator Fellowships


AaN Fellows will have an opportunity to contribute to campaigns aiming at mobilizing their government to adopt adequate climate change policies. They�ll join a team of passionate, dedicated and talented activists from around the world; participating in moments that will shape if and how the governments respond adequately to the climate challenge. Their efforts will build on a proud legacy of past �Negotiator Trackers,� and make important contributions to the climate movement in a creative, challenging and exciting role.


This Fellowship is a volunteer opportunity. However, support for participation in the Warsaw Climate Change Conference including travel, room and board will be provided.


Applicants must be
- 18 to 30 years of age;
- available to attend the Warsaw Climate Change Conference in Poland (from November 8th to November 24th, 2013);
- and able to actively contribute to the Adopt a Negotiator project as an activist and blogger from mid-September of this year through May of 2014.


September 3, 2013.

More information

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