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Erasmus Mundus gSmart


gSmart is directed at academic subjects across all faculties, with competences universally needed in public administration and industry. The demand for spatial science specialists currently is not matched by academic programs worldwide, and particularly not in the Central Asia region. Despite efforts in numerous capacity building and curriculum development initiatives, expertise in (digital methods for) spatial sciences urgently needs to be jump-started with a focused programme.

The gSmart project is building upon 10 years of academic collaboration with universities from the Central Asia region. Experience from prior initiatives has helped to identify deficiencies like:

(i) low number of teachers qualified to teach digital methods and techniques in general, and specifically in the spatial sciences,
(ii) lack of academic international-level methodology competences in graduates, applicable across all the above mentioned disciplines and
(iii) largely missing R&D capacities to translate established knowledge into progress towards spatial organisation and management of societies as well as infrastructure.

The gSmart initiative aims at longer-term study periods for Bachelor, PhD and Post-Doc including full graduate qualifications for MSc, for academic teachers at target group 1 and 2 institutions, plus similar academic expertise for industry and public institutions.
These qualifications based on mobility and study periods at European partners will be complemented by measures implemented in target countries (summer schools, co-teaching, and conferences) and sustained through an already established community of practice.

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Before applying - proof it you meet all the formal requirements with the CA gSmart national coordinator and/or the CA joint co-ordinator and research your choices to find a European partner university that best fits your needs.

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Second Call for Scholarships: December 15, 2013 - January 31, 2014

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