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Erasmus Mundus MA in Journalism, Media and Globalisation

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Эразмус Мундус 2015

MA, deadline 10 Jan.


The Mundus Journalism Master’s is a two-year, truly transnational degree providing a solid foundation for analysing and reporting global changes. 

Since its inception in 2005 more than 500 journalists spanning almost 100 countries have been educated through the programme. The cultural diversity brought together by such an international intake each year means that being a Mundus Journalism student is about gaining more than just academic insights — for many participants it is also an all-encompassing global and cultural experience.

The programme — supported by the European Commission under the Erasmus Mundus initiative — sees students spend one year in Aarhus, Denmark before moving to another European university to carrry out their specialist focus in the second year of study. It aims to produce theoretically grounded and highly reflexive journalism candidates with transnational, global views on the intersection of journalism, media and globalisation.

Behind the degree stands a tightly integrated and experienced consortium of five European and three non-European universities. With students studying at up to four different universities during the programme, the depth of learning on offer is equalled by the breadth of different teaching styles and methods that participants have access to during their studies.



In 2016-18 the fees for the whole two-year course are expected to be:

€8,000 for EU nationals and
€16,000 for non-EU nationals.


    • Academic background
      The applicant’s academic ability, previous academic record and academic references; affinity of the previous degree to the programme.


  • Journalism experience At least three months’ full-time work as a journalist — based on the applicant’s examples of journalistic work and references.



  • Motivation based on the applicant’s personal statement The motivation must include an explicit argument for the first choice specialism.



  • Life experiences Language ability, international experience, cultural awareness, organisational skills etc.






To apply for the Mundus Journalism programme you will have to fill in an online application form as well as sending an email with a PDF version of the required documents. Please download the appropriate application form, fill it in and submit it.

    1. Your application form MUST be completed on a computer and submitted electronically in order for it to be received by our database. To submit the form, click on the Submit button that is found at the bottom of the form. You will receive confirmation if your submission was successful. Do not fill in the application form by hand. Make sure that you include your correct e-mail address. Follow all the instructions carefully to ensure your application is correct and complete.


  • Then, a print version of the application form and all the other documents must be combined into ONE PDF file. NB: The size of the PDF must not exceed 10 MB.



  • The name/title of the PDF file must be your full name and the application category (Category A, or Category B). For example: Hannah Maria Taylor – Category B.



  • Please attach the PDF file to an e-mail, which should be sent to one of these e-mail addresses depending on your choice of specialism.
      • Media and Politics at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands – amsterdam.mundusjournalism@au.dk


  • Business and Financial Journalism at City University London, England — london.mundusjournalism@au.dk
  • Journalism and Media Across Cultures at University of Hamburg, Germany – hamburg.mundusjournalism@au.dk
  • War and Conflict at Swansea University, Wales — swansea.mundusjournalism@au.dk



DEADLINE: 10 January, 2016


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